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Any-day Any-where Action Items – In support of Ceasefire & Palestinian Human Rights

July 5 @ 12:00 am - August 5 @ 12:00 am

● Online events, visit @sac4palestine on Instagram. San Francisco Bay Area events, go to: AROC Arab Resource & Organizing Center

One day a week: Tell Matsui, Bera, Biden, etc. to stop arming Israel and end the genocide now! Click to take action now. And ask others to do the same.

Support UC Davis Student Encampment to end the genocide in Gaza. Quad, UC Davis, Davis, CA. FMI: @davispulp,, @sjpatucd

Phone Calls Needed Urgently: Demand release of protestors arrested at Maidu Center. 916-774-5000.

Boycott companies that support Israel’s human rights abuses. Click for more info

Urgent: Tell Congress to restore funding to UNWRA for Palestinian refugees.

Urgent: Israel is starving Gaza. Congress is back in session and must hear from us daily! Tell Congress (phone #s below) and President Biden (202-456-1111):Stop the genocide! No more U.S. political cover, aid, or weapons to Israel.

Tell Governor Newsom that criticizing Israel is NOT antisemitic. Newsom is considering forcing all state agencies to use a definition of antisemitism that would silence calls for a ceasefire and an end to genocide. Also tell him the State of California should not be supporting or promoting Israel. If he, as governor is going to take a position, it should be to advocate for a ceasefire and end to the genocide in Gaza. (916) 445-2841

Tell our CA State Legislators to call for a ceasefire now as they were asked by 500 activists who shut down the CA Assembly on Jan. 3.

Tell Rep. Ami Bera (202-225-5716, @repbera, @rep.bera.ami, to remove his name from the shameful Jan 23, 2024 letter denouncing South Africa’s case to the International Court of Justice charging Israel with genocide in Gaza.

Contact your Congressional representatives now ask them to publicly oppose ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza and sign onto HR 786 that calls for de-escalation and an immediate ceasefire.
Contact Rep. Doris Matsui 202-225-7163 (DC) & 916-498-5600 (Sacramento), @repdorismatsui. 501 I St, #12-600, Sacramento. See Human Rights Day Message to Rep. Doris Matsui.
Contact Rep. Ami Bera 202-225-5716 (DC) & 916-635-0505 (Sacramento), @repbera, @rep.bera.ami. 8950 Cal Center Dr #100, Sacramento
Contact Rep. Mike Thompson 202-225-3311, @repmikethompson, @RepThompson, 622 Main St, #106, Woodland

Contact President Biden 202-456-1111
Contact Senator Alex Padilla 202-224-3553.

Contact Senator Laphonza Butler 202-224-3841 

Add your name and voice to messages to Congress demanding a ceasefire from:
Jewish Voice for Peace
Representative Rashida Talib
U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Friends of Sabeel North America
Veterans for Peace
United for Peace and Justice
United for Human Rights in the Israel-Palestine Crisis
Petition started on change dot org to demand a ceasefire and more.
Send a letter to Secretary of State Blinken.
Pledge No Ceasefire, No Votes for Biden in 2024.

Ask your organization to sign on or send our letter to Congress.

Click here for more actions.



► Tell SF State to reinstate Professor Abdulhadi’s courses and stop censoring her. Click for more info.

►  Tell Congress to condemn Israel’s invasion of Jenin. Click here to take action.

► Ask your group to take the pledge to be apartheid free: Click for more info.

Ask your Congressmember to co-sponsor H.R. 3103 Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children & Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act. Call 202-224-3121. H.R. 3103 would prohibit Israel using U.S. taxpayer funds to: detain & torture Palestinian children, seize & demolish Palestinian homes, & steal Palestinian land.
Click here for more information.

Tell Christina Aguilera: Don’t Play Israeli Apartheid.  Aguilera, who is known for her fierce LGBTQ and feminist advocacy, has announced that she will perform in Israel on August 10.Tell her there is no equality, justice or freedom under Israeli apartheid. Leave Aguilera a message on her Instagram post telling her to cancel her Israel show.

► Tell the Sierra Club to respect human rights and stop greenwashing. Click for more info.

►Thank Sierra Club Workers for Standing up for Palestinian rights. Click here.
Sierra Club workers of the Progressive Workers Union (PWU), representing hundreds of environmental justice workers, have passed a historic resolution pledging solidarity with Palestinians and their struggle for freedom from Israel’s oppressive apartheid rule.

► Email Sierra Club board members at and ask:
“Please cancel Sierra Club sponsored trips to Israel until Israel ends its: apartheid laws that discriminate against Palestinians and violations of Palestinian human rights.”

► Also ask the Sacramento Chapter of the Sierra Club,, to discuss the issue of Sierra Club sponsored trips to Israel. To date, they have refused, claiming it is a national issue only.

Stop settlement expansion affecting The Bethlehem village of Wadi Foquin.

Please sign and share this petition:

Take action on recent increased Israeli violence against Palestinians:
1. Click here to send a message to Congress
2. Click here to message the NY Times about its biased reporting of current violence.

Take the Pledge: Give PUMA the Boot Until It Ends Support for Illegal Israeli Settlements.
Let Puma know you will respect the call from Palestinian teams and athletes to #BoycottPuma until it ends support for illegal Israeli settlements pushing Palestinians off their land.

Sign Petition demanding justice for Shireen Abu Akleh, journalist assassinated by Israeli military.

 Tell Amazon and Google: No Tech for Apartheid
Join Amazon and Google workers in demanding that their companies end all ties
with Israeli apartheid and end the Project Nimbus $1.22 billion contact to provide
cloud technology to the Israeli government and military.  This technology will be
used against the Palestinian people. Click to send a message to Amazon & Google.
Hear a former Google employee, who recently quit her job at Google after claiming it retaliated against her for opposing its growing partnership with the Israeli military, offered a chilling, insiders’ view of the company. Click to watch.

Send letters to Congress to stop mass displacement in Masafer Yatta.

Ukraine and Gaza

Is This Israel’s South Africa Moment? | The Nation

Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. See YouTube video:

 Tell Puma: Stop Supporting the Israeli apartheid regime’s oppression of the
Palestinian people.

Contact us.

Email or text 916-220-7178


July 5 @ 12:00 am
August 5 @ 12:00 am